+44 (0)1934 733040



Massage - Cheddar Somerset - Rosa Medica ClinicMassage is beneficial for everyone. All are welcome to come for a relaxing or remedial massage and enjoy the benefits; ill health is not a prerequisite!

Massage acts to disperse the accumulated by-products of muscle action that irritate muscle and nerve endings. Increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage are both improved. Nutrients and oxygen are brought to tissues and dispersal of toxins is aided. This eases stiff muscles and joints. It can be soothing for the nervous system helping the over-stressed person to relax. Tense, over-contracted muscles are painful and can also be a cause of headaches. Nervous or anxious people who develop stress related disorders such as insomnia can be helped by relaxing massage. The relationship of stress and illness is of interest to anyone trying to attain health. Stress induces release of hormones that create havoc and causes reduced circulation. Kate and Rosalind provide massage.

Massage has a definite psychological effect. It animates the tactile sense, the body’s primary sense. Warm, cosy towels and infrared heat with massage transports people away from tension generated by constant preoccupation with problems. It causes loosening of tight muscles or “armouring”, the physical way we defend and protect ourselves from psychological pain. This explains why stressed people get more problems and why in some cases osteopathic or chiropractic adjustments alone provide only temporary relief with a return of symptoms. Remedial massage incorporates deeper tissue work and utilises various soft tissue techniques. Essential oils used in the massage oil add further benefits. For patients with back and neck problems a combination of techniques, derived from various disciplines are used.

Joint manipulation and electrotherapy are used as needed. Mrs. Blackwell is qualified in manipulative techniques. Spinal manipulation causes release of specific fixations. Infrared heat is used extensively as it aids relaxation. Ultrasound or microcurrent electrotherapy is used in certain conditions. When only electrotherapy is needed usually two 15-minute sessions per week are required until resolution. It can also be incorporated into a treatment session.

Rosalind does remedial massage, soft tissue and joint manipulation and ultrasound. Kate does relaxing, deep tissue massage, lymphatic drainage and aromatherapy. In addition Kate does specialized reflex facial massage. See more details under spa therapies.