+44 (0)1934 733040



Aromatherapy at Rosa Medica ClinicClassical aromatherapy massage of face and body using organic essential oils from our Rosa Medica range to create specific effects for each person. The essential oils are selected not only for their useful effects but also pleasing aroma.

Inhalation of essential oils affects the limbic system (emotional centre) in the brain and creates harmonious feelings. Special massage techniques are used according to the clients needs. The treatment table is cushioned and warmed for maximum comfort. The room is dimly lit and soothing music transports one away. (NB as in any treatment please tell your therapist if the music is not to your taste)!

Rosalind Blackwell is experienced in massage and a specialist in aromatic medicine (which is naturally part of herbal medicine or phytotherapy) and Rosa Medica supplies many aromatherapists and medical herbalists with organic essential oils for clinical practice. Rosalind lectures on this subject from time to time as was formerly a lecturer on Aromatic Medicine at Middlesex University on the BSc in herbal medicine.